CPPS (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)

Many diseases result from the Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPPS) or at least can be contrasted with the Stanford Protocol:

- Neuralgia of the pudendal nerve
- Alcock syndrome
- Nonbacterial prostatitis
- Interstitial Cystitis
- vulvodynia
- vestibulitis
- Hypertonic pelvic floor
- Urethral syndrome
- Overactive bladder
- proctalgia
- Hypertonia of the anal sphincters
- Syndrome of the levator ani
- Irritable bowel
- Anal fissures
- hemorrhoids

To resolve this issue would totally recommend this book:

A Headache in the Pelvis: A New Understanding and Treatment for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes

In practice, says the famous "Stanford Protocol", written by the inventors of the method: David Wise and Rodney Anderson.

It opens a chink of light in this dark and deep tunnel of chronic pelvic pain.

First of all, it is not conducive to most of the hypotheses that have been advanced so far on the disease: immune, entrapment of nerves ...

Explains that the basis of the problem there is a cycle of tension-anxiety-pain. It is a cycle in which the chronic tension due to the shortening of the pelvic floor muscles. Once triggered, the muscle origin pelvic pain takes on its own life, even when it ceases stress that triggered it.

The book explains how to break this vicious circle ... of course also explains that it takes time and commitment.

Furthermore, the method described in detail, explains that it is not necessary the use of drugs and that is based on self-treatment. Therefore it depends exclusively on yourself.

There are testimonials from people who have already found benefits after reading the book and without even putting the method into practice!

The book is available in English language and also really costs very little.

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Warning: The information contained in these pages are just informative. In case of health problems they should always consult their doctors and should always be made the official medical care.

I apologize for any translation errors.

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